Входящ тест за определяне на нивото по английски език 2

 Този тест ще определи Вашето ниво на владеене на английски език съгласно Общата европейска езикова рамка. Тестът обхваща всички нива от Elementary до Advanced. Необходими са ви около 30 минути, за да го преминете и да определите курса, който би бил най-подходящ за вашите познания. Резултатът от теста не може да се използва като доказателство за официална квалификация.

Езици - Английски - Оценка на ниво
1. When _____ you born?

2. Ivan sings ______.

3. Could you pass the salt please?

4. What ______?

5. She _____ two brothers.

6. Who’s calling, please?

7. Have you got ______ money?

8. By the time she arrives, the film _____.

9. If my brother _____ me, I would have lent him my car.

10. - Don’t forget to put the rubbish out.
- I’ve __________ done it!

11. If only I ____!

12. Where ______?

13. - What would you like, Sue?
- I’d like the same __________ Michael please.

14. She ______.

15. She _____ at 7 every morning.

16. I drank______ milk in the morning. I feel sick now.

17. A: I am really tired.B: You ______ work less.

18. When I was a kid I ______ more.

19. If I had one million dollars, ______ a new house.

20. I ______ France.

21. I haven’t had so much fun __________ I was a young boy!

22. She is invited to a _____ dress party.

23. I’m afraid you __________ smoke in here.

24. Everyone wanted to go out __________ John.

25. Honestly! I saw a ghost! I’m not __________ it up!

26. She doesn’t let her daughter ______ .

27. His jokes always make me______ .

28. I really hope you can find a __________ to this problem.

29. There are ______ cars in the parking lot.

30. He is really shy. He's got _____ friends.

31. The meal _____ cooked at the moment.

32. What are you doing? B: I______ the roses.

33. My sister always _____ my bed in the morning.

34. The wonderful smell of freshly __________ coffee hit us as we entered the

35. It's raining cats and _____.

36. She _____ to having stolen the money.

37. I need to ______.

38. You know you _____ me an explanation, don't you?

39. ______, she doesn’t have a job.

40. Who _____ Harry Potter?

41. I will text you when I _____ there.

42. Sorry about Kate’s strange behaviour, but she’s just not used to __________ lots of people around her.

43. Ivan kept running very hard __________ none of the other runners could possibly catch him.

44. Sorry, I didn’t mean ______you.

45. I'm so thirsty! If only Mike _____ all the water in the fridge!

46. This game is __________ to be for five year-olds, but I think a two year-old could do it!

47. I regret _____ in class.

48. When Jonie __________ to do something, you can be sure she’ll do it, and do it well.

49. My trusty Toyota has never______ .

50. When I ______ him about the plan, he got really excited.

51. She denied______ the money.

52. Can you __________ to it that no one uses this entrance?

53. The train ______ at 7 o’clock.

54. I'm terribly late. Can you give me a _____?

55. The version of the film I saw had been __________ censored.

56. I really must ______my suit dry-cleaned for the wedding.

57. I enjoyed the film, but felt the ending was a bit _____.

58. If I were you I would __________ clear of the area around the station late at night.

59. When he realized he had a drinking problem he decided to stop ______.

60. Joe’s fear of enclosed spaces __________ from a bad experience he had when he was a child.